2021 Keynote Speaker

Florida Power Exchange is excited to announce our Keynote Speaker for 2021, Marilyn Z.
Marilyn is a green eyed Cuban Goddess, a mother, friend, Head of House of Monarch Z (a Leather family), covered Master, a Pantheon of Leather recipient, Ms Sunshine Leather 2001, a Dominant, a sadist, a slave owner, slave trainer, a Leatherwoman, a mentor, a benevolent queen, a kinky mother-f*cker and a whole lot more.
Please join us for closing ceremonies Saturday, December 11, 2021.

Angelathismercy is a happily engaged mother of three, grandmother of five. She took her first steps into the lifestyle at the age of thirty. By her own words, she “jumped in the deep end and never looked back.” She holds a Master’s degree (ironically) in Criminal Justice and has had several articles published in scholarly journals. Angel blames the fact that she is a Gemini as to why she has run the gamut of s-type roles over the years. She has been a slave, a submissive, a brat, a babygirl, a pet, a middle, and now, a Gorean slave. Angel has been heavily involved in the Florida scene for all of her 25 years in this lifestyle and is known for her integrity, her wit, and her class. She now looks forward to sharing her experiences and her knowledge with the newcomers, the oldtimers, and the in-betweens.
“Everybody dies, but not everybody truly lives” – Prince Ea
“I don’t have to be me till Monday” – Steve Azar
Class Descriptions:
Being Mixed
We all have our own dynamics and sometimes those dynamics tend to merge. We will discuss the highs and lows of “shapeshifting”, as it were. You started with a Gorean slave girl, now you have a she-wolf who gives way to your little. It’s all in the timing and, often, in the wrist!
Middle Magic
Some of us have those “moments”, the ones where we become whiny, cranky, want our own way, or feel extremely rebellious or argumentative. These are Middle moments. How do those who have them manage them in public and in private? How do our Dominants manage them? Suggestions, ideas, and possibly funny stories as to how this dynamic has woven its way into the alternative lifestyle realm and -why we need it.

Big John has been in the ‘life’ 30+ years, and by his own admission started “young and stupid.” He has since grown into knowing who and what he is as far as words can describe him. That would be a Poly, Dominant, Sadistic Master. He has been running his own poly and BDSM household for over 20+ years with a great range and diversity in it’s members, and is ever changing as the individuals involved grow.
Class Descriptions:
Starting and/or building a Poly Family. (Poly101)
So you have this bright idea that poly might be for you and yours? This talk goes into the process of starting and/or maintaining poly relationships of many different types and styles. Learning to ask the correct questions and figure out the critical details before they become issues and/or demons to slay. Also some warnings for some common pitfalls and traps that people fall into on this crazy road. Bring all your questions and we can also discuss as a group from different viewpoints and hopefully get many creative solutions/ideas.
The business, mechanics and legal issues of living in a poly house.
Ok so you have all the emotional and jealousy issues figured out (or at least bolted down enough not to spray the walls any more). Now you want to get to the nut and bolts of living together as a poly family. This class will cover more of the mechanics of a poly house. Things like money, Shared property, legal status (including picking a lawyer if needed). And even cover the icky subjects of medical, estate, and even death planning. Several options will be covered for all sorts of different dynamics, ranging from tightly bonded long term families to more fluid mobs.

Buck has been doing pony play since 1982. it started with his first Mistress, ended up turning it into a business making pony gear and restraints. Buck was a part of equess eroticus magazine when it was in print, has been interviewed in many magazines articles, including OWK pony boy magazine. Was on HBO Real Sex for pony play, and a few short videos as a trainer for a pony girl. most recent was teaching a class at the woodshed Hybrid pony class, and in 2019 taught two pony classes at Fetish Con. Also help teach at the pony part of Camp Crucible for the past 20 years.
Class Descriptions:
Leather – Information you Should Know
Buck has been working with leather for over 40 years. And is a certified saddle and harness craftsman. This class will cover types of leather and how to clean and condition your leather. From a coat to fetish toys and more. He will also point out what to look for when buying leather to ensure you get a quality product for your money. He will go over any item you have and give advice on how to care for it also.
We go over the dynamics between a pony and his or her handler / trainer / Owner. How training can take two individuals and become one unit. How the pony needs to lean commands and not anticipate what the trainer wants. And how the trainer / rider learns from the pony’s response to commands. We also will cover different types of ponies, basic rein commands, and different commands to control a pony other than reins or verbal, and how these vary between each trainer and pony depending on their connection with each other. And we will go over tack, what is needed and what is extreme / show off. And why you should design your tack to fit your needs and style for your pony. There is no one way to love this unique style of play.

Dr. Sara Fackelman has been a therapist for the transgender and BDSM community for several years as well as having earned her certification as a clinical sex therapist. Her curiosity, open-mindedness, and enjoyment of alternative lifestyles began at the biggest sex party ever—–Woodstock! Dr. Sara is known for her frankness and sense of humor.
Class Descriptions
In the past, many have argued that BDSM and those who engage as dominant or submissive have a psychopathology indicative of poor mental health. In this workshop, Dr. Sara Fackelman, a licensed psychotherapist and certified, clinical sex therapist, will discuss the psychological characteristics of BDSM practitioners: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
M/s, D&s, and Our Wider Society
One of the goals of talking about BDSM, both between ourselves and with others, is to demystify D&s and M/s relationships. Sometimes it isn’t just people outside of BDSM who don’t understand it, but also many of us on the inside don’t always appreciate the scope and possibilities of BDSM. In this workshop, we will discuss the questions, “Should BDSM have a less hidden and better understood place in society? Are there parallels between how BDSM is viewed by the wider community now and how the LGBT community was viewed many years ago?” These and other questions will be discussed as food for thought.

Lady Steele is a femme lesbian Alpha leather slave. She is an international presenter and resides in Atlanta where she is the only open, out, and practicing attorney in the southeast that specializes in the issues that arise in the BDSM and ethical non-monogamy (ENM) communities. Education is her passion and she has taught hundreds of classes over nearly fifteen years live and virtually. Lady Steele is the proud co-producer of the Southeast Power Exchange (SEPE) title. She is the founder of the Center of Learning and School of Success (C.L.A.S.S.), the Worthless Bastards (Cigar) Club (W.B.C. – Atlanta), and The Leather Coterie (T.L.C.) and proudly leads all of these groups under the umbrella of the West Inclusive Georgia Socials (WINGS) group. Lady Steele held the position of Social Coordinator for NLA – Atlanta during its last incarnation in Atlanta. She continues to give back to the community as Board Support for the Leather Leadership Conference and the Treasurer of the Anafiel House. Lady Steele is also a proud member of Onyx Pearls – Southern Leather. When she is not presenting, Lady Steele has shared her knowledge through multiple podcasts on the KinkyCast, Kuldrin’s Krypt, Dating Kinky, Excite Me, and Black to Leather.
Class Descriptions:
BDSM and the Law – New & Improved!
People participate in Bondage, Discipline, and Sadism/Masochism, all the time not knowing the potential legal pitfalls. It is time to get down to brass tacks. What legal dangers are inherent to what it is we do? The simple truth is, legal issues abound when it comes to participating in BDSM and always have. It can affect several areas in our lives, including family, criminal, civil, estate planning, healthcare, and even businesses law. How can you prepare yourself for the worst case scenario? Come find out when Lady Steele presents BDSM and the Law, which will also include the newest updates from the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom.
Sassy Submission: How to sass with class
Calling all “s” types, or folx on the “right side of the slash”. Have you ever been accused of being “bratty,” “difficult,” “contrary,” or just downright disobedient when that really isn’t your intention at all? If so, then this is the class for you! Join Lady Steele as she shows you how to be sassy with a zing all while honoring the duties and responsibilities of your power exchange relationship(s). She will discuss Alpha personality types on the “right side of the slash” and then show those that are “challenging” how to be so with obedience while not giving up what makes them, them.

Madam Hexe, affectionately called Fräulein by those close to Her, is originally from Germany and has been active in the Leather and BDSM Community in Europe and the United States for fifteen years. She’s a sadist, a rigger, and the Master side of a full-time high protocol M/s dynamic with Her slave spielzeug and the Dominant to Her girls Lottie and Kat
Class Descriptions:
Female-Led Relationships: Living the Fantasy
A Female-Led Relationship (FLR) is the elusive and seductive power exchange that flips heteronormative gender roles upside down. As a FemmeDomme, Madam Hexe’s dynamics are FLR by default–but what happens when that experience is full-time over years? This class focuses on the evolving expectations of an on-going power exchange including how to take the reins as a FemmeDomme and how to come to terms with your desire to submit as a submissive when the world expects you to wear the pants. Your fantasy is our reality.
POWER EXCHANGE FOCUS: Straight Razors: Erotic Shaving and Shaving as a Service
Straight razors are, for most people, equally sexy and terrifying. Both the mastercraft and lethal aspects of this tool add to its appeal and help it nd a place in the hallowed halls of elusive edgeplay. A straight razor’s foremost function is that of a personal grooming tool. This class will focus on using a straight razor for both erotic play scenes based on intimacy, fear, and trust, as well as shaving as a form of Service. The care and maintenance of straight razors will also be included in the discussion—your play and Service is only as good as your tools.

Bright Blessings, I am Mama Jaye. I’ve been in the lifestyle since the mid 80’s. I’ve presented in various events, presentation covering topic such as Sensual Massage, Sensual Body Movement, for those with limited movement, Personality type and the lifestyle, Essential Oils, and Herbology within the lifestyle…. Also Middle Eastern Dance. I have lived in 7 states and a few countries, learning along the way. Seeking knowledge from cradle to grave.
Class Descriptions:
What’s Your Sex Personality Type?
Think of it this way: If you haven’t figured out what aspects of sex are most important to you, how can you communicate what you want to a partner? The sex personality type model creates a framework for opening that conversation,” And by knowing your partner’s sex personality type as well, you can do a better job of making sure their needs are being met.
Sensual self love via movement and massage
Bright blessings… I am a teacher, healer, therapist…and a bit of a witch. I have presented at a number events over the last 22 years. I walk in spirit… I am interested in teaching a sensual dance and massage class. Where people can learn to love themselves while they assist their lover, partner, spouse, Master, slave in healing and loving also.

Mistress Alora is a primal Dragon, Service Top and Sadomasochistic Domme. Growing up in Alaska’s LGBT culture has granted her many opportunities to learn from the bottom up. One proud accomplishment Includes representing Alaska as a previous Ms Alaska Leather 2018 titleholder. She is an Alaska/Hawaii transplant that now lives In Ohio. She is a big fan of power exchange, sensation play/deprivation, edge play, fear, electro torture, fisting, squirting, heavy impact and all things pointy and sharp.
Class Descriptions:
Power Exchange: What It Is and Why We Do It
Let’s delve into the many ways that Power exchange makes us wet and what that looks like to use it in our day to day to get our needs met. Bring your questions and let’s discuss.
Polyamory and Ethical Non-Monogamy
As a woman of more than 2 decades living Ethical non-monogamy as a lifestyle. Let’s talk about the hurdles and successes of what that looks like. Get some personal advice on how to incorporate ENM in its many forms. Learn what KTP is and why I chose it for myself. Let’s discuss the difference between rules and boundaries, unicorn hunting, OPP, and other terms. Let’s talk about red flags, but let’s hear about green ones, too.

Marilyn Z / Ms.SensualSadist is a green eyed Cuban Goddess, a mother, friend, Head of House of Monarch Z (a Leather family), covered Master, a Pantheon of Leather recipient, Ms Sunshine Leather 2001, a Dominant, a sadist, a slave owner, slave trainer, a Leatherwoman, a mentor, a benevolent queen, a kinky mother-f*cker and a whole lot more. She is known for blending a wicked sense of humor with her sadistic nature and kind heart. She is an edge player who claims her 29-year history as a trauma nurse gives her an advantage. Presently she co-leads OTC (a monthly BDSM education group), Newbie Night, Miami Munch, and LatinX Takeover. SM is what she does. Ds is who she is.
Class Descriptions:
The Languages of Love; BDSM style
Communication is key in any relationship. It is magnified in a power exchange dynamic. This class will encourage attendees to identify how they experience and express love. They will learn their love language as outlined by Dr. Gary Coleman. We will explore how we can use this relevant information to learn more about ourselves, our needs and how it can enhance our dynamics. This class is geared for singles, couples, and multiples.
Blood Rituals
Rituals and their effectiveness directly interact with unconscious realms. Are you participating in rituals without the conscious awareness of it? Recognizing our rituals in life, past, present, and future, helps us prevail. Blood rituals have been used for centuries. It is the liquid essence of life. What place do they, or can they, hold in a Power Exchange relationship? The slow tingle and wet feeling of blood dripping down the skin is intoxicating when combined with the understanding it is being used to bind you closer. Using blood (from both sides of the slash) as a manifestation of our devotion can strengthen and deepen our relationships. This class is geared towards all, not just Blood enthusiasts.

MycroftM and Daemonchild Arthur and Kimmie have been in a loving relationship for over 10 years and between them have a shared 40+ years of combined experience in BDSM and Power Exchange. Ranging from Managing The Playhouse in Baltimore to teaching at events across the nation like Black Rose, BESS, TES, Leather & Leis and more, Arthur brings the knowledge of being an experienced Top and Dominant. While Kimmie, who has organized events throughout Central Florida such as the Tampa Munch, Tampa Portal, Brandon Coffee Time and several others brings the experience of an established Alpha Submissive. Together they have presented at events from Beyond Leather to Frolicon sharing their energy and skills with groups of all ages and interests.
Japanese rope bondage is an artistic power exchange that is about the journey rather than the destination. In this class we will discuss the basics of how to choose rope, types of rope, basic knots and the different components of basic Japanese bondage.
Jedi Mind Tricks
How to anticipate your partner’s needs, read their body language, learn how to monitor their heart rate and respiration to see exactly how your bottom is reacting to you and what you’re doing. Add the innovative things I teach in my class, and they will be swearing you read minds….

Sir_Axe: is a happy Sadist with a gleeful propensity to play with fire. Dedicated to building up and keeping our local community safe and thriving. As the facilitator of the CC/FM Gateway Munch. I love creating educational spaces and opportunities for the SWFL area. Providing local folks the avenues and resources to develop healthy dynamics and negotiation skills. I was a founding member of the Wolf’s Den Pack of South Florida and have done dozens of classes and demonstrations to assist with growth and learning of new skill sets that benefit our community. Slave_Bella and I have maintained our power exchange for over a decade and love teaching and sharing what we’ve learned over the years with those who are exploring or evolving their own dynamics. We currently have a strong evolving triad with the amazing Disco_Tits (Amber) and are growing our ENM dynamic/relationship with full knowledge and consent of her husband and primary partner.
slave Bella is the proud owner, and creative stitching genius behind Ms-Bella-Sew- it-All. Her love of all things fabric and creating beautiful, useful, and unique items for both lifestyle and life are her driving force. Bringing beauty and joy to others around her is a testament to the strength she brings to her part of the power exchange.
Back to Basics { Consent, Limits and Negotiations)
We’ll work to define consent and discuss how we begin to understand what our limits are. How do we negotiate what we need and want for play. We’ll also discuss safewords, safe calls, vetting and all of the unpleasantries of consent violation.
Masters, Dominants, Mentors and Protectors
We take a look at various titles and labels and break down what they mean. What their roles and responsibilities are or are not. Along with the importance of choosing the proper ones for yourself.

Sir Top and slave bonnie have presented over 100 workshops around the country since 2003. Together they own Beyond Leather, the International Power Exchange contest, Surrender Manor, and New Beginnings TLC a 501c3 transgender resource center. They hold the 2007 Master/slave title, Southeast region, were awarded the Jack Stice Community Award 2009 Leather Archives & Museum Chuck Renslow President’s Award 2010, and Pantheon Couple of the Year Award 2010.
Class Descriptions:
Aging in the Lifestyle: Is BDSM sustainable as we age?
What changes besides our age? What do we need to pay attention to? How important is communication and what if you’re a newbie at an older age? As our body ages, our play altars so a good question might be: Are you too old? We say NO, just know your limits and communicate your physical and emotional needs/desires.
Amazing Sensation Play with Sir Top and victims! (Volunteers) Learn how different knives challenge those we play as we share how you can take your play to another level. This demo provides an opportunity to learn correct and safe knife play, which can be highly erotic, and the physical and psychological reactions can be intense. Bring your blades and let’s have fun.

Siren_JBXsg identifies as a submissive little masochistic pet and has been in the lifestyle community for a 10 years. She has served her community over the years at events such as KCO, FPE, Beyond Leather, and the Phoenix Club. She’s been in a loving poly relationship for about 4.5 years and is a part of the JBX Family and Happy House. She recently found her passion of teaching and her Leather path and strives to gain knowledge and provide support in all that she does.
Class Descriptions:
Dealing with a Chronic Illness in a Hierarchical Poly Relationship
What happens when one of the s-types in your dynamic gets sick or becomes chronically ill? How do you deal with respectfully taking over for them in addition to what you do? How do you make sure the one who’s ill is okay with you doing their work? How do keep their spirit intact when serving is their cornerstone? In this class we’ll discuss shifts in responsibility, coping mechanisms, comfort mechanisms, and ways to ensure everyone is getting their needs met.
Mixing TPE and Other Dynamics
So you’re in an M/s or D/s relationship and part of the way through, the s-type finds they’re a little or a pet or you’ve both found primal to be alluring. How do you maintain your M/s or D/s while exploring other modalities and dynamics? In this class, we’ll discuss combining multiple dynamics into one fairly smooth running dynamic. We’ll discuss the pitfalls that come with this as well as the benefits. We’ll talk about accommodating and fostering the modalities without losing the protocol or intent of the existing dynamic.

We are two long-time married couples in our 50s whose journeys in the Lifestyle are relatively young (5 years and 3 years). The four of us have become very close and have discovered that we share a common love of kinky play of all kinds. Our experiences have shown us that, while we THOUGHT all swingers would be totally into kinky fun, and all kinky people would be into swinging, that is not always the case. But we have learned if we just try something from the other tribe, especially with good information and guidance in advance, we may discover something wonderful. And so, we created SwinkyLife to be a platform to bring the joy of all kinds, styles and levels of swinging or kink to anyone who wants to learn more about it.
Bridging the Gap Between Swinging & Kink
Swingers and Kinksters can find themselves confused and misinformed about each others lifestyles, but we all have more in common than we think! Why do these two amazing, sex-positive communities often times see each other as different and dissimilar? Join the couples from Swinky Life as we discuss the myths and misconceptions that surround swinging and kink as well as the commonalities between these two communities. We share our experiences and answer questions from participants about the swinging lifestyle and our respective journeys into non-monogamy and kink.

Hello my name is TheDaddyMichael and along side of me is my slave kittie. We are the producers and owners of Florida Power Exchange (One Common Community LLC). I have been in the community since 1995 and kittie since 2015. We have been together for over a year now and have know each-other for close to 6 years. Our dynamic is mixed with M/s, ddlg and owner/pet. We have started our journey together teaching as recently as Beyond Leather 2021 and United We Stand 2021. We enjoy teaching about our dynamic as well as all the knowledge we have both learned on our journeys. We both love to help the community grow, so if you see either of us and want to say hi or ask a question, don’t hesitate.
Class Descriptions:
Punishment with a Purpose
Those in a power exchange strive to create value and purpose. Without purpose, we don’t have power exchange. In this class, we discuss the often touchy subject of punishment. Are your punishments effective? Are your punishments hitting on triggers, or worse, creating new triggers? What value do your punishments have? We dive into the world of making punishments have meaning, create learning, and become purposeful. We also talk about avoiding damage with punishments. Often this is a landmine just waiting for a victim. You will walk away from this class with some new ideas about punishment, and creating purposeful power exchange with punishment.
Is That All You Got?
How to have fun with a feisty bottom Picture this; the scene starts like it always does. The top puts the bottom on the furniture. The bottom stays ever so still. Lash after lash, one skill after another used in such a meticulous fashion. Then, without warning, the bottom looks over their shoulder and says, when should I say ouch? Or, maybe with a smug look on their face, ask if that’s all you got? Now the fun begins. The power exchange dance. The interaction between the two, the energy that begins to bounce off each other. In this class, we will talk about the upsides of being feisty. Are you the top? We will talk about how to have fun without crossing the line. As a bottom, we will talk about the importance of playful feedback that entices the top. Ready to change your scene up?
To see what exciting classes & presenters we’ve had in previous years explore the links below: