Informed Consent


In light of the continued changes of the pandemic, masks for FPE 2022 are a personal preference in all public spaces, classrooms, social areas, vendor areas, and anywhere else where people outside of your group are gathered.

Persons who still wish to wear a mask should be able to do so without risk of bullying from others.  Please contact security if this should become an issue.

We will continue to monitor the pandemic and make changes as recommended. Please check back here often.

Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

We encourage you to wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

If soap and water are not readily available, you can use hand sanitizer and rub your hands until dry. Hand Sanitizer will be placed throughout public areas for your convenience & there will be some at each vendor booth.


Florida Power Exchange (FPE) encourages you to get vaccinated. Due to Florida Laws, we cannot ask for proof of vaccinations however, our communities pride themselves on honor, honesty and integrity. For a vaccination site near you please visit:

Maintaining Healthy Environments

Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring disinfectant wipes with them to wipe down their room for extra peace of mind.

Hotel housekeeping – Please check back closer to the event for hotel policy on housekeeping. The hotel policy on housekeeping is in accordance with the CDC guidelines set forth for their industry.


As usual, we ask that you please wipe down your equipment choice before and after play even if you saw someone clean it prior. Disinfectant wipes will be provided in the playspaces. 

Maintaining Healthy Operations

Regulatory Awareness

FPE will continue to monitor and be aware of local or state regulatory agency policies related to group gatherings.

Support Coping and Resilience

FPE promotes all staff and attendees to eat healthy foods, exercise, get enough sleep, find time to unwind, and cope with stress.

FPE encourages staff and attendees to talk with people they trust about their concerns and how they are feeling.

Phone References for Assistance: 

  • The national distress hotline:1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746.
    • The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224; and
    • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Website for latest COVID-19 information:
Our conference is held in Pinellas County, Florida

Latest COVID-19 Restriction News:

Latest Executive order (at time of this posting) from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis regarding COVID-19.

Covid 19 continues to be an issue that we watch very carefully. It is an impossibility for any individual, business, or world agency to know what the status will be months from now.

We will update this page with any majorly significant information as it draws closer to the conference.

This document has been created with the restrictions (if any) that are relevant today and will be subject to change as the pandemic does.

CDC website