2022 Meet the Judges

Head Judge

Sir Big Red is an equal opportunity Gender-Queer, Woman of Color, Queer Mother, sensual and sadistic Femme Daddy, who is a performance and Erotic Spoken Word Artist celebrated for her ability to “wear many different shoes”. In one pair of those shoes she is dedicated to facilitating personal and communal connection and healing, and in another equally empowering and self-embracing pair of red stilettos she works on various ways to encourage, support, and evoke opportunities to accept and create language, experiences, and culture that is raw, creative, authentic, sensual, deeply intense, and intent on empowering, healing, and transforming self, relationships, and communities! With a proven and long-standing commitment to education and training, one of her current passions is creating new community connections while presenting and educating at various Community Professional, and Lifestyle events.


bina_JBXfg Was born into a 1950s/MC household. Started reading Gor when I was 10.
At age 28 assisted with running the first South Florida education space – Lifestyle Alternative Center. Later co-owned Florida Lifestyle Alternative Community center, teaching, Gorean fundamentals and positions, bottoming from the top and rigging a self-rope harness. Plus numerous other classes over the last 20+ years.

Created SF Submissive Round Table, R.O.M.P (Ruckus Or Managed Pets) including SF Pony Play, Kiddie Korner (Littles group), Sensation Stations, YKNOT (Young Kinksters, New with Older Teachers), and Gorean Gatherings

Helped create, and continue in a working and loving polyamourous Family (JBX House) for 15 years as first girl. 


Master David is the leading half of the current Midwest Power Exchange Titleholders, a kinky tinkerer, cat lover, educator, motorcycle riding music lover and a great big teddy bear. He has been in and around the lifestyle for over three decades and has been serving in leadership via various roles for the last 15 of them. He and his slave have been honored to represent the M/s community as the 2018 SML & GLLA M/s titleholders and where part of the 2019 SPLF contestant family. He is passionate about the community and wants to work towards a community where we are building each other up rather than tearing each other down. He believes communication and compassion are the key to building a strong foundation of any kind. He absolutely loves the opportunity to enjoy a good cigar and some great scotch over meaningful conversations. He is always ready to step up when needed to help make positive situations become successful memories. He has spent the last 5 years traveling all over the country supporting and learning from the various communities with his slave. Smiles are always plentiful, and conversations welcome so if you see him around make sure you say “Hi”.


Sir/Daddy Kali has been involved in the Leather & Kink lifestyles since 1998 following attendance at an event in the Tampa area. They are genderfluid & accept all pronouns depending on where the headspace is. Interests include littles, critters/pups, impact play, bootblacking, and many more.. They were the 2018 Florida Community Bootblack. They’ve enjoyed a 24/7 poly dynamic with boy Michael since 2007, plus Pup Cerberus, & baby Nadi.

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How does one express who they are completely with words? They don’t. So I will not even try. What I will do is share enough of myself to give one insight into who I feel I am in order to allow them the opportunity to decide if they wish to invest time in getting to know me better. MASTER AND I ARE HONORED TO REPRESENT SHOW ME LEATHER(MISSOURI) AS THE 2021 MIDWEST POWER EXCHANGE & 2018 MASTER & slave as well as 2018 GLLA MASTER & slave First and foremost, I am Master’s slave. He is my rock and keeps me centered. I look to him for direction and support. The amount of knowledge and passion he possesses for the path he has chosen to walk is evident in all that he does each and every day. I am able to flourish because he guides me with understanding and patience. When I falter, he corrects me and lifts me up to try again. He holds me at high standards because he believes in my potential. This pushes me to try harder and to focus my stubbornness towards pleasing Him. I wake up each day with a desire to satisfy him more completely than I did the day before. I am honored each and every day I am allowed to serve him. I am a woman of leather. I say this knowing that I am still at the beginning of my journey. The foundation of my beliefs embraces the core of the leather way of life. It promotes acceptance, belonging, compassion, support and service. Most importantly it is FAMILY. You could ask 100 different people what living leather means to them and you would probably get 100 variations, but if you looked deeper you would most likely see that passion is the center of it. My chosen family has grown exponentially, and I am blessed to be a part of it. I hope to make my Master and my family proud of the walk I take. I am confident that my path is one of service and education. I strive to continue growing so that I may share my experiences along my journey to support and encourage those I come in contact with. It is important to make sure I honor those who have created a place I can belong, to love the family that has embraced me and to share who I am with future generations.
I work very hard at not allowing other people’s behaviors and attitudes effect mine. It is not always easy since I tend to be very protective of those, I chose to surround myself with. I have zero tolerance for those who exist only to lie, manipulate, hurt and look down at others. I feel it is our responsibility to lift one another up, not tear them down.
Master allows me to “Tigger” in social situations when appropriate because he is confident that I will never intentionally say or do anything that would be harmful to our family. He appreciates my smile and ease at which people approach me for help. We are both HUGE advocates of safety and responsibility, so it is important to be available to those on both sides of the slash.
So, there you have it…. the base for which each of my decisions are made. More to come as I grow and learn. 


Dastardly Dan aka Bad Boy

I’ve matured from a “Bad Boy” to a dastardly pr*ck (hahaha). You’ll have to wait and see.

Most involvement in this community was representing traditional leather practices (guard), winning the “2010 Tampa Bay Leather boy” title. During that title year, I followed my platform which focused on the pansexual communities and fundraising.

Organizations were not limited to HIV but inclusive of the Tampa Bay Film Festival, cancer awareness to bridge the stigma of the meaning of leather. For two years I formatted and hosted the #1 show on GHS internet radio called “Leather It Up”. The bridge built here earned me a feature article in “Watermark “ magazine during a December holiday issue. Not only did it include leather and it’s history but include of play and fetishes. I devoted 4 years as organizer/producer of a leather title contest “Mr Code” feeding IML and actively became part of the “Florida Leather and Fetish Pride” organization.

I hold a professional title as a registered nurse with a BS in health arts studying the effects health played on art movements over the centuries in countries inclusive and limited to religions and their ruling governments. My master’s degree in health services includes similarly other countries in health care delivery systems and cultures and subcultures within.

Attending Beyond Leather introduced me to the meaning of a power exchange and was asked to judge the FPE and returned as head judge for the next 3 years. Dynamics of relationships and the fact this is an educational title still intrigues me and am honored to return.

Your Dastardly Dan

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boy Michael has been in the leather lifestyle since 2008. He uses he/him pronouns and identifies as a service submissive and a little. He is in a 24/7 poly dynamic with Sir Kali Sinclair and his boyfriend Glenn. He is in a leather house with Pup Cerberus and baby Nadi. He spends his day running the mini farm with Sir Kali and enjoys animating, building things, and coloring.